Monday, February 17, 2020

The 4/12 Inf Web Beacon

One of the original aims of this site was to celebrate the fellows who served with 4/12 Infantry during our Baumholder days, and help each other get in touch. Veterans of the regiment from Viet Nam days are certainly welcome, but should be sure to visit the Redcatcher site, which is the best place for 12th Infantrymen of the 1960s to find their friends.

While this web beacon concept still works after a fashion, technology has moved on since I first posted back in 2005. I rarely update it now [originally 'now' was 2020, but now it's 2023] because it's been overtaken by other social media platforms such as Facebook and However, you can still enter your details (including a long-term email address) in the comments section below, or on any of the other posts here at the 4/12 Inf Web Beacon. That will allow search engines like Google to find you, and help you find other vets.

I'll keep all of these entries on the site so long as remains in operation, and will post the occasional item of interest like the dedication ceremony for the 12th Infantry Regiment monument at Fort Benning.

Meanwhile, if you're keen to see if I have details for anyone in particular, you can still contact me directly.

Naturally, I won't pass your details along to spammers or scammers.  And I'm not selling anything myself, either.

If you're still in touch with anyone from those days, I'd be grateful if you would forward them a link to this site, and raise a glass in honor of the times we had in Germany all those many years ago.


p.s. if you were also with 1/39 Inf (M), be sure to visit that web beacon as well.

Didn't find what you were looking for?
Check out the right hand column of this page and see if it's in "Previous Posts".  Or you can use the "Search Blog" function at the top left of this page to search the whole site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Hartman

HHC 4-12 4.2 platoon


1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perry Jefferies, then SSG, HHC, 4-12, previously D Co., 1-39 (why do I think it was 2-39?), now retired, near Fort Hood

Also, you'll find then-SGT Gardner is now LTC Simon Gardner, with a Civil Affairs Battalion in Fort Stewart

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in that unit as well. I was a 3-4 as well. I remember SSG.Jefferies very well.I wasn't the best soldier there,but I rejoined the Army and became a very good soldier. I was in a transportation unit. I got injured in Eygpt in 1995. Now I'm a retired Sgt. I served 13 yrs proudly.I was medically retired.I would love to hear from you Stremmel,even you as well SSG.Jefferies. I hope the Good Lord blesses each and every one of you.You can reach me at

1:11 PM  
Blogger Chunkylovemuffin said...

Chris Brooks

HHC 4/12 Mortars

1993 - 1996

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emmett Daniels
B 4/12 infantry severed in Bosnia also 4/12 infantry 1992-1996
I am looking for old friends and to find out if 4/12 infantry was awarded the Armed Forces Service Medal...i ets while we was in Bosnia was there for 8 months then went home ..if anyone has info please contact me at

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SPC Derek Quackenbush

D Co 4/12 INF


2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cpl. Arthur John Warden

HHC 4/12 Inf.
Support Plt. (P.o.l.)
Baumholder , Germany

1992 - 1995

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there from 88 to 92.saw the retirement of 4-12 and the hand over to 1-39, saw a lot of good leaders but even more poor over all experience from this base was it only catered to suck ups and ass kissers,grudges were held people had careers ruined because leaders ran amok and got away with a lot. I was an NCO who ended his career with two honorable discharges and threw E-6 orders in my commanders face the last day of my enlistment, still I remember many good times as well !!!!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

was there in 1996. Did the bosnia deployment. Headquarter maintenance. I remember a specialist Ryan Lorrain scouts. Another specialist Mike anderson. Head quarter maintenance. What a trip into the past. great times there. Colonel Briscoe was there to.

4:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Was in 4/12 95-97 headquarters maintenance

11:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Was in 4/12 95-97 headquarters maintenance

11:25 AM  
Anonymous CPL Gerald Loy said...

I served in the S-4 Section from 1988-1991. I served under SFC Steadman. Great memories.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in 1/39th and then 4/12 3 squad 2nd platoon bravo co from 1988 to end of 1991 when army let me go to my next post in ft Knox I was a spec 4 wish I could find my friends cpl Collins,spec 4 sasko or spec 4 Wilson,or cpl Haines.this is Roger Stevens from north Carolina

5:17 PM  
Blogger keithf02 said...

My name is Keith Farrow I was a medic served with HHC 1/39 & HHC 4/12 from 1988 - 1996. I was attached to B Co. & C Co. during my days in Baumholder. My roommate was John Ocampo also C. Co medic. I can be reached at my email would love to hear from some old fellow brothers!!

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Dennis Witt. I served in the 1/12th in Vietnam in 66-67. This post is to let all of you who proudly served in the 4/12th at any time that there will be a dedication ceremony of a newly created monument to the 12th Infantry Regiment on May 31, 2017. This monument is being built on the Walk of Honor grounds of the National Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Ga. Since this monument is dedicated to the all who have ever served in the 12th Regiment, we'd like to invite all our brothers from the 4/12th to attend the ceremony. You can find information about the monument project and the dedication ceremony on the 1/12th Vietnam Red Warriors web site ( We look forward to meeting you. Thanks.

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Joe Johnson said...

My name is Joe Johnson ( Higgins) My roommate was SGT Goss, and was with Bravo Company...The only people I can remember is SFC Norman, and Spec Pakarski because we all ended up in Ft Erwin. I knew Spec Rolf Hommen....was kinda hoping to reach some others is 1988 Bravo Co...Lt.Hills TC.


7:15 AM  
Blogger guttruck said...

Selvidge, Christopher M. (CPL)
A Co 4th Bn 12th Infantry
(1AD-2nd Combat Brigade)

6:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Spc Joe Gunder HHC and C Company 4/12 1990 to 1992.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Keith I was at your wedding. I was then Sgt.Martin, it me back at

1:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tracy Smith Eco 87-89

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/12 c company 1993-1995 spec fish (Minnesota not Virginia)
Sgt Kevin kristie "WHERE YA AT"

Been in contact with Oren, he is a major now and still enlisted.
Garret Karels had a heart attack...doing ok now.

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John "Rusty" Graham 4/12 A company 93-96 Bosnia bradley gunner

10:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Richard Shapel. 4/12 HHC Recovery Section. 1994-1996.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sgt Kevin Christie here! What's up Fish? Reach out @

9:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

4/12 IN Medical Platoon 1993-95

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone from my uncle John Taillon was Charlie Co 4/12th 66-67. If anyone has any info on him please reach out

10:47 AM  
Blogger A Brave Service said...

General question regarding the 4/12 here. My uncle served in Vietnam in the 3/12, and in my research on his unit (he was KIA 5/8/68), I've discovered that the 12th Infantry Regiment was called the "Warrior Regiment", and each battalion had a nickname. 1/12 was the Red Warriors, 2/12 the White Warriors, 3/12 the Brave Warriors...but I can't find anything about the nicknames for the 4/12 or 5/12. Anyone remember?

9:45 PM  

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