Sunday, November 26, 2006

4/12 Inf (M): Kevin Cranmer

Just had a brief email exchange with Kevin Cranmer, who was with 4/12 Inf (M) in Baumholder from 1993. He managed to fit in some travel while he was with The Warriors:

We did deploy to Bosnia, although I was only there about 4 months. I was glad to go . . . finally real Army stuff without a lot of the garrison politics and BS.

Kevin's shared some names of the battalion's lieutenants from those days:

Dan Tollman (arrived in 1990)
Andrew Mutter
Mike Beal
Mike Roberts
Eric Zwickel
Chuck Bergman
Lee Seal

Thanks for the info!

I know from the analytics system that other fellows are reading, so don't be shy -- email me, let me know who you remember and who you'd like to find.


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