Sunday, January 14, 2007

Warriors: SFC Richard Ito, US Army (Retired)

I've had a very interesting set of emails from SFC Richard Ito, who was with 4/12 Inf (M) in Baumholder during and after my days there, including the redesignation from 1/39 Inf (M).

In the original spirit of this web beacon, which is to post names in the hope that people will be able to find themselves and former colleagues online, here are many former members of Charlie Company 4/12 Inf (M). Several of these men who would also have been with 1/39 Inf (M).

1SG Joe ‘Smoking Joe’ McBride (who came to C Co from A Co)

LT Albert

LT Reyes (XO B Co)

LT Boice

SFC Kann

SFC Johnson

SFC Donovan

SSG Colvin

SSG Foster

SGT Chong

SPC Rosario

SPC Madarish

SPC Walema

SPC Chalepah

SPC Louis
Thanks, Richard for looking into your memory and sharing this!

Other visitors -- please add your name to the roster while you're here!


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