Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lieutenant Dan Hill, 4/12 Inf (M), Baumholder FRG 1989


A month or so ago I posted a request for a memory-jogger to help me recall some gentlemen whose names had temporarily slipped away from me, including fellows who served both with 4/12 Inf (M) and 1/39 Inf (M) in Baumholder.

SFC Richard Ito very graciously sent me some thoughts on that, and we concluded that the fellow who was injured by the broken track hatch was LT Dan Hill.

I would certainly appreciate it if anyone with more info (including contact details) would get in touch with me at -- I owe LT Hill a big thank-you for some advice he and his wife gave me back in 1989.


p.s. add your name to the roster now!


Blogger mhg said...

Test comment / 103bees check.

10:37 AM  
Blogger mhg said...

According to Bruce Van Hoozen (see separate blog post from 5 March 2007), LT Hill's first name was John.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Joe Johnson said...

That was our track....LT Dan Hill...I was the track Commander, both the PLT SGT and Hill were hurt when we went over a ridge line. I and my driver were left out till the Mechanics came. If you would like to talk my email is SPC Joe Johnson

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Joe Johnson said...

LT Hills name was Dan, not least he never told me...we were best friends. He and his wife ( a SOS teacher) were from California. I was with them when they got hurt that was my Track. It was cold out there so we drained fuel to start a fire...was rather nice in the winter. Joe Johnson---( Higgins)

7:07 AM  
Blogger mhg said...

Thanks, Joe -- I've sent you an email.



9:15 AM  

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